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Ready to Go
Ready to Go

Wednesday 28 September 2011

September 25th, 2011-Spring Creek Rest Stop, Bungle Bungles

Sunday saw us say our goodbyes to Emma and Matina at Kununurra, as Terry, Di, Sandra, & I hit the road again towards Broome. Carol is feeling quite a bit better but will rest up a few more days before her and Stephen hit the road again. Sandra & I have reservations at a resort in Cape Leveque for our 25th wedding anniversary in early October, so need to keep moving towards Broome. The road to the Bungle Bungles was quite good up to a short distance before Warnum (Turkey Creek). The road from there on was quite poor and we almost got taken out by a road train that decided to overtake us on a particularily narrow part leading onto a one way bridge. Caught a nice rock on the windshield in the process and Sandra said some very unkind words about the truck driver's mother. Made it safely to our destination at Spring Creek Rest Stop just across from the entrance to the Bungle Bungles. There is a new caravan park just inside the entrance to the Bungle Bungles but reviews have not been kind and it was $45/night. The free rest stop we pulled into was quite nice and lots of shady spots down near the spring. Water still running but very little.

We set up our caravans on the most level spots we could find. We then took our lawn chairs down and sat them in the creek. Had a beautiful relaxing afternoon and the water kept us quite cool. Some cattle came down to the water just across the weir and there was lots of bird life on the creek bed. Met some nice people and enjoyed a quiet night (except for the birds). Ran into some people from Jervis Bay, NSW who had driven into the Bungle Bungles earlier in the day to explore. Said it was the worst road they had ever been on and a disgrace for a world heritage listing. Planned to send a letter to the Western Australian government to express their disatisfaction. I wholeheartly agree with them but it certainly made Sandra and I feel better about our decision to fly over the Bungles and forego the drive in to explore on foot.

Woke up to find our fridge was working again on gas. S*&t! Transferred all our dairy products etc to our esky and set off.

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