Ready to Go

Ready to Go
Ready to Go

Sunday 1 July 2012

June 27th, 2012- Bolwarra Heights- Home at last

Wednesday morning saw us packing up in a light drizzle. The ground was very soft and squishy from all the rain over night. We managed to get all packed up and hooked up without getting too wet. We said our goodbyes as we decided against stopping with the poor weather.

We followed the Ransleys back as far as Raymond Terrace where we turn off towards Maitland and home. The Ransleys continue on towards Woy Woy on the Central Coast. The weather was poor and we went through some of the heaviest rain of our trip in the last 24 hours.

We arrive home safely around morning tea. Justine is there to greet us. We have morning tea before setting up the caravan on our front lawn. The rain manages to hold off while we are getting setup and transferring our belongings back to our house. Stephanie is working and we don't get to see her until later in the afternoon. Great to see both of our girls again as has been a long time! We hear from Carol that they have made it home safe as well.

It feels good to be home although strange at the same time. Sandra and I have really enjoyed our journey. We have seen so many wonderful places and met some incredible people. To all of those that have been part of our adventure, we say thank you. I hope that those of you that have been following our travels electronically, have enjoyed them as well. We would encourage anyone and everyone to experience their own special Australian adventure first hand. It's a wonderful big country with so much to see and appreciate. We can't wait to experience it all again!!!

The End............... Part 1


  1. did they clean the party mess

  2. No party but lots of mess. We are working on the cleaning still!
